
We engaged Michael to address 800 exercise professionals and fitness business owners at Filex, the annual fitness industry fitness convention.

Michael had the audience enthralled from the get go- his easy affable manner and down to earth sense of humour engaged everyone the moment he was on stage.

As Michael’s presentation moved into his life story the connection grew and it would be fair to say that there was not one attendee that wasn’t moved and inspired by this extraordinary man.

We highly recommend him to other organisations looking for an inspirational reminder of what is truly important in the real world.

Bill Moore

CEO, Fitness Australia

The feedback from our Leadership was fantastic and after assessing the feedback sheets 100% of the delegates rated your session as Excellent! It was wonderful to have you share your story with our team again.

Olivia Cunney-Walsh

SVP Global Head of Talent Management, CBRE

On behalf of the Board of the Association, and the delegates attending our Annual Conference, I write to offer our sincere thanks for your contribution to our Annual Conference through your Address on Tuesday morning.

Your presentation was inspiring, moving, emotional, educational and empowering! Absolutely everyone in the audience loved it and left motivated and inspired by your life story and how you have met every challenge and embraced life! We all want to meet your mother, too!

I understand that you sold out of your books after the Address. I think many more people will be keen to purchase your book after hearing you speak!

Thank you for sharing your story with us, for encouraging everyone to make a difference each day in another person’s life and to always be aware that things could always be worse (such as a stick in the balls!) so get on with life!

Garrie Gibson

CEO, RSL & Services Clubs Assn

I just wanted to say a big thanks again for your time to present to our players and staff last week. The feedback from the boys has been awesome mate, they really enjoyed it and got a lot out of your presentation. I also personally really enjoyed it and found your messages to be funny, emotional yet really powerful – they were also really consistent with the wellbeing program we are implementing here at the club largely based around gratitude, mindfulness and empathy. So I found it really inspiring and further validation of this approach. So thanks heaps mate.
Brian Phelan

Player Development Manager, Melbourne Storm Rugby League Club

Thank you for sharing your inspiring, yet very personal, story at our company Kick Start event earlier this year. From business to sport you reminded us that in life anything we set our mind to we can accomplish successfully. You are a true inspiration to us all.
John McGrath

CEO, McGrath Real Estate

TruChoice Financial Group was blessed to have Mr. Michael Crossland at our 2023 Kickoff conference in Phoenix Arizona to tell his story of Hope, Love and Perspective. Michael had the entire group on the edge of their seats throughout the presentation with a mixture of laughter, tears and deep thought, and as Jimmy Valvano said “ Thats a full day”.  The speech concluded with a powerful and emotionally charged standing ovation by all in attendance.

I would recommend Michael Crossland to speak at any event and no one will be disappointed.

Brian Peterson

President and CEO, TruChoice Financial Group

This is a person who exposed his heart and soul and makes an impact on ALL of the audience. I have never laughed so much, or nearly cried so much, in an hour in my entire life. He reached out to the delegates and I seen big burly men give in to the emotions that Michael generated. Michaels presentation without any doubt was the best I have ever witnessed and will never be superseded, thank God that Michael does what he does and may he live forever doing it.
Stephen Robertson

CEO, Municipal Works Operations Association

This is a brief note to say a big thank you for joining us in Melbourne for our 2018 Thales Australia Leadership Conference and sharing your story.

The feedback I received from the 200 Thales Australia leaders who came together from all over the country was extermely positive.

You are an inspiration and I’m sure all our team took something from it how to live life in a meaningful way, the power of positive thinking, and not to let adversity define you.

Chris Jenkins

CEO, Thales Australia & NZ

Your presentation was excellent and if I could find a better adjective I would use it. It was our privilege to have you be our opening keynote speaker at our final conference. Our members, every year attend 2-3 conferences, and we as an Association of 20 years we have had more than our share of speakers over this time. To get feedback from those attending saying that you were the best speaker that we have ever had, or many have heard, is high praise from this group. We have an age demographic of 30-65 with the majority of them being male at the higher end of this range and to have them still talking about your keynote at dinner that night was fantastic and a tribute to the man you are.
Gayle Middleton

Australian Fire Managers Association

Thank you so much for changing 500 lives today. Here’s just some of the feedback received:

“I can’t stop thinking about Michael’s journey and have already started reading his book. To say he is inspiring doesn’t even come close. He gives fantastic hugs and I feel lucky to have said a few words to him. He really is one in a million and I’m sure he will be able to give Bree some further hope too.”

“My tough best friend Georgia was beside me sobbing. I pretty much held it together until your Mum’s struggles.”

Melissa Letford

Senior Regional Counsel, MasterCard

I wanted to drop you a short note to convey our thanks for a great presentation last Friday morning. Our staff and players thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to hear your story and were genuinely inspired by your powerful life experiences. Look forward to catching up with you soon & thanks again for making the time & effort last week.
Todd Greenberg

CEO, National Rugby League

A very down to earth, true story speaker, who spoke so eloquently and passionately. Made us all think of “what’s important!?” 

Fred Harrison

CEO, Ritchies Stores

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