Can you believe it, another year done and dusted. So it’s time to take charge of this year and say to yourself “I am about to walk into the greatest year of my life”. What we believe we achieve and the more we cement that deep within our subconscious the greater the outcome will be.
2020 needs to be the year we are a little selfish but with kindness in our heart. It needs to be the year we invest, grow, challenge and stretch ourselves to become the best versions of ourselves.
I have spoken about it before but maybe it’s time we recreate our “to stop list” and eliminate not only low value tasks that are devaluing our life but also (this might sound blunt and harsh but… eliminate low value humans that suck the positive energy out of our life.
Challenge yourself to take 5 minutes and document down 3 things you will eliminate out of your life. It might be negative people, bad food, TV and or even technology 1 hour before bed. It’s clearing your mind, freeing up space in your head and your heart for the things that make you feel great.
I feel it’s almost impossible to write anything that doesn’t have perspective weaved into it somehow. With my country burning out of control it is in these times we must reflect on what we perceive is an issue and quickly correct ourselves & count our blessing and not our problems. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones, homes, pets, memories, towns, jobs and so much more. My prayers are for strength, courage, peace and love to those effected by these horrific fires. So much gratitude goes to those men and woman going above and beyond to protect our country from the blazes and may you all return home safely to your loved ones.
If you feel that this is the year that you want to take back control and become the best version of yourself. I have a 6 month training program that is currently 80% off with profits going to the Royal Fire Service. It will guide and mentor you to start achieving your personal and professional goals. It has everything I have ever created including a 1 hour interview with my mum and 6 months worth of coaching sessions. Click here